Wow...where did time go? Dylan turned one yesterday!!! It seems like last week that I was in the hospital staring at her and wondering how I was going to take care of that tiny little thing. With a little (or lot) of help from all my wonderful family and friends...we made it to one year!!!
She has been such an amazing baby and we can't wait to experience "toddler" years with her.
We had her birthday party on Saturday at a little park here in our neighborhood and invited a few close friends and family...very quaint. There was a little mishap with the sprinklers at the very beginning, but once we found the shut off valve, we were good. Dylan did great...once she got a feel for the cake, she went in no handed. It was so cute!! Thank you to everyone that came!!! I have to give a huge thank you to Forrest for being the photographer...he did such a great job!!!
A little update on her development...she is chatting up a storm. Some of her favorite words are...doggie, kitty, hi, mama, dada, out (outside), baby. She is not walking on her own yet, although I think it could be any day now...We're not in any huge hurry:) She just started waving and now (as of Saturday) starts clapping when you say "yay" to her. Grandma Meadows with the Birthday Girl
Proud big brother, Chandler...and you wonder where she gets her looks!!! Dylan is a miniature of him!
My cousin, Ashley's, little girl, Brea. She is only two months older than Dylan, such a beautiful little girl!! She and Mia were helping Dylan open her presents.
Ashley and Brea...Brea found a puddle and was just splashing around
Here is Jon trying to help her "find her way"!!
At this point she gave up on the hands and just dove mother, like daughter!!
Trying to share with cute!!